50 Shades of Grey
Popular book. Even more popular color.
Grey is everywhere these days. It has almost taken over beige as the neutral color of
choice for interior walls. I don’t see this as a fad either. Grey tends to provide
neutral elegance without looking drab. It also tends to work with most furniture
and flooring. It makes me wonder why it took so long to become so popular!
Grey is so versatile because there are 50 shades of it. See what I did there? There
are actually hundreds of shades of grey. Having a grey with a subtle hint of blue or
green can really spruce up a room. Here’s a kitchen we painted recently in Sherwin
Williams Simple White that is a grey with some pink tone.
The color adds a little flare while remaining neutral with the modern white
A true grey seems to be the most popular these days. You might think grey is dark
and gloomy but it’s actually quite the opposite. I tend to notice how the color can
make the trim and ceiling really pop. Take a look at this dining room we painted in
Benjamin Moore Cape Hatteras Sand.
There’s nothing dark and gloomy about that room.
Even our commercial clients are opting for grey these days. Check out this reception
area we painted a couple of months ago in Benjamin Moore Stormy Monday.
It’s not too late to jump on the grey train. Like I said, I don’t think this is a fad. Grey
is here to stay.
Dr. Grey will see you now.